Monday, March 17, 2008

Why do you want to earn more??

You want to earn more because:

Reason 1: You want to stay rich all your life.
Bitter Fact: The richest is the one whose pleasures are the cheapest.

Reason 2: You want to have all the luxuries.
Bitter Fact: The best things in life are free.

Reason 3: You want to bring up your children to become better businessmen, professionals.
Bitter Fact: Its important that they become better humans first.

Reason 4: You want to make a name for yourself in the society.
Bitter Fact: What’s in a name?

Reason 5: You want to become popular.
Bitter Fact: The popularity curve like all other curves falls as sharply as it rises.

Reason 6: Money can buy all the pleasures.
Bitter Fact: Its peace (which money can’t buy) that lasts.

However, ask yourself and u still want to earn more.

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