Friday, July 22, 2016

O Honkers

O honkers, you make me go bonkers

I stop at the red light, can't move an inch,
I wonder what irks you, did someone pinch??

You have to rush at times and I let you go,
But you blow so hard, is there something I owe?

Biking in the wee hours, I sing along,
The lane is all yours and yet you bombard my song

I am sane, with the traffic I keep pace, no one likes to move slow,
O brothers, it's your impatience that makes you blow

I don't dwell on the road, home is where we want to be,
But there is someone ahead of me, can't you see??

Some never budge from this habit, others carry the load,
Mind you, that noise is a poison for cops on the road

I know it's crowded, cars everywhere, it's a scary fleet,
If you mind your hand, be calm, there can be peace on the street

Come out of this habit, if you care,
Noise is a killer, we are all aware

Please stop O Honkers, don't make me go bonkers.

-Haresh (Please try not to honk)

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