Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Blog on Clog

Clogger calls himself an urban Indian, Stands by his prejudices, And claims himself to be a true citizen. Clogger clogs the roads, Plies alone in his car meant for four more Drives to cover distances so short, he would walk before. Clogger clogs his stomach, Keeps away from nutritious and healthy food, Junkies and fries, he gobbles in a happy mood. Clogger clogs waste, Keeps self and his abode fresh and clean, Litters outside, does not care for the green, And yet, he preaches ... Hygiene. Clogger clogs his veins, loves drinking and smoking, Spoils the air, struggles with breathing, And yet never reads the "Statutory warning". Clogger clogs his brain, Accumulates wealth at the cost of stress, More of knowledge, less of wisdom, lands him in distress. Stop the clog Oh Clogger, pleads this blogger, Stop the clog Oh Clogger. Haresh